

威廉 & 玛丽教育学院
椅子:博士. 帕梅拉·艾迪


The community college has one of its missions to provide access for students who intend to transfer to a 4-year university using a vertical transfer pathway. 作为学生在转学过程中的潜在倡导者, faculty who work in community colleges need to recognize the importance of 支持转学生 and help to improve the transfer pathways. 然而,人们对教师在促进转移中的作用知之甚少. The purpose of this dissertation study was to investigate the role of community college faculty in the vertical transfer process. The study addressed two research questions: How do community college faculty perceive their role in the transfer process? 以及社区学院的教师如何与潜在的垂直转学生互动? A case study of a rural community college in Virginia with a high percentage of its students transferring and a dedicated transfer center served as the research site. 数据分析采用动量理论框架. Faculty perceived their role as a connector for transfer students and interacted with aspiring transfer students both in and outside the classroom. The community college faculty worked with content area faculty at the local 4-year schools and 合作d with the college’s transfer center to inform students of transfer resources. 特别是, a faculty member was highlighted as a role model in advocating vertical transfer and bridging academics and advising. 这种倡导作用有助于扩展对动量理论的理解. The study contributes to new insights into faculty’s essential role in building transfer students’ momentum toward a successful transfer and showcasing rural community college faculty involvement in vertical transfer to inspire higher education institutions to engage faculty in achieving institutional transfer mission, 支持转学生, 促进更公平的转移途径. 











Niraj Anil waugh 


The purpose of this study is to describe queer students’ of color (QSOC) sense of inclusion in a community college (CC). Prior research studies have examined the experiences of QSOC in higher education but seldom have focused on CCs. 本研究采用定性研究方法,以叙事探究为研究设计. Data from 32 semi-structured individual interviews (19 initial interviews and 13 follow-up interviews) serve as the primary data source.

在进行专题分析之后, 数据显示了五个主题:可见性, 确认身份, 课程的重要性, 安全的空间, 孤立和歧视. 具体地说, 可见性, 确认身份, 而《澳门正规博彩十大排行平台》则同时反映了QSOC的课堂体验和课外体验, 而《澳门正规博彩十大排行平台》严格讲的是课堂体验, 而安全空间则严格针对校园内的课外体验.


在这些主题中举例说明了三个中心发现:在协调中心需要支持性结构, 具有相关性和包容性的课程内容, 以及QSOC感到疏离,无法融入CC的方式. 这些发现表明,在许多cc中,QSOC感受到强烈的包容感, 但也有许多经验降低了QSOC的包容性,并寻求显著改善.

The primary implications of this study to accepted for who they are and the multiple identities that they embody.


论文文档          会议记录



Characteristics of Collaborative Community College/Economic Development Organization Partnerships: A Multiple Case Study


Inconsistent prosperity across the country and a dearth of skilled workers for new 中等技术工作 have led to a rise in the importance of local workforce development and a consistent talent pipeline for employers. 在过去的几年里, the availability of a skilled local workforce has become the top concern of business executives and relocation consultants when evaluating locations for company expansion and economic growth. 美国有超过一半的就业机会.S. 中等技术工作, 社区学院是中等技能工人的初级教育者和培训师, 把经济发展活动和社区大学结合起来的必要性越来越明显. Some areas recognized this need and have taken steps to bring these two important community development endeavors together. Certain forward-looking states have been successful at developing employer-specific training programs and have successfully merged them into their state economic development programs. 在这些项目中, 社区大学在全州范围内充当了这些雇主培训项目的交付平台.

在地方层面上, some economic development organizations (奇美拉栖木) and their local community colleges understand this need to deliver a consistent skilled workforce to business to build economic prosperity. These community colleges and 奇美拉栖木 work together to help local businesses grow and attract new business to expand or diversify the local economy. 许多研究人员对社区学院之间的工作进行了调查, 奇美拉栖木, 以及当地企业改善当地经济. Little has been done to understand what it takes for community colleges and 奇美拉栖木 to attract new businesses to an area.

The purpose of this study is to understand the characteristics of the partnership between community colleges and 奇美拉栖木 that have a proven track-record in attracting new businesses to their area. Understanding the elements of successful partnerships may help communities wishing to expand their employer base and diversify their economy. This multiple case study examined community college/EDO partnerships using the lens of Kanter’s (1994) critical success factors for collaborative partnerships to determined commonalities across the partnerships and elements of the community colleges that may have contributed to their success.

这项研究的参与者对他们的工作效率的关键成功因素有一个非常一致的信息, ongoing relationship: Work together across all critical areas of community development for the good of the community; communicate, 合作, and trust the partner organization; build respect for and from your partner by delivering on promises, 理解伴侣的挣扎, 以创新的方式工作,帮助伙伴关系实现其目标. The commonalities across the partnership in regards to these critical success factors suggest their importance in local business attraction efforts, but it also indicates these critical success factors stretch across all community college/EDO partners employing a variety of economic and community growth tactics, 由于参与者将商业吸引工作与其他社区发展活动结合起来. Expanding this research to a broader group of partners across the United States in a quantitative study may help further distinguish the critical success factors in community college/EDO partnerships.











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